Source code for langchain_core.load.dump

import json
from typing import Any

from langchain_core.load.serializable import Serializable, to_json_not_implemented

[docs] def default(obj: Any) -> Any: """Return a default value for a Serializable object or a SerializedNotImplemented object. Args: obj: The object to serialize to json if it is a Serializable object. Returns: A json serializable object or a SerializedNotImplemented object. """ if isinstance(obj, Serializable): return obj.to_json() else: return to_json_not_implemented(obj)
[docs] def dumps(obj: Any, *, pretty: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """Return a json string representation of an object. Args: obj: The object to dump. pretty: Whether to pretty print the json. If true, the json will be indented with 2 spaces (if no indent is provided as part of kwargs). Default is False. kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to json.dumps Returns: A json string representation of the object. Raises: ValueError: If `default` is passed as a kwarg. """ if "default" in kwargs: raise ValueError("`default` should not be passed to dumps") try: if pretty: indent = kwargs.pop("indent", 2) return json.dumps(obj, default=default, indent=indent, **kwargs) else: return json.dumps(obj, default=default, **kwargs) except TypeError: if pretty: indent = kwargs.pop("indent", 2) return json.dumps(to_json_not_implemented(obj), indent=indent, **kwargs) else: return json.dumps(to_json_not_implemented(obj), **kwargs)
[docs] def dumpd(obj: Any) -> Any: """Return a dict representation of an object. Note: Unfortunately this function is not as efficient as it could be because it first dumps the object to a json string and then loads it back into a dictionary. Args: obj: The object to dump. Returns: dictionary that can be serialized to json using json.dumps """ return json.loads(dumps(obj))