Source code for langchain_astradb.vectorstores

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import inspect
import uuid
import warnings
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from typing import (

import numpy as np
from astrapy.authentication import EmbeddingHeadersProvider, TokenProvider
from astrapy.db import (
    AstraDB as AstraDBClient,
from astrapy.db import (
    AsyncAstraDB as AsyncAstraDBClient,
from astrapy.exceptions import InsertManyException
from import CollectionVectorServiceOptions
from astrapy.results import UpdateResult
from langchain_core.documents import Document
from langchain_core.embeddings import Embeddings
from langchain_core.runnables.utils import gather_with_concurrency
from langchain_core.vectorstores import VectorStore

from langchain_astradb.utils.astradb import (
from langchain_astradb.utils.mmr import maximal_marginal_relevance

T = TypeVar("T")
U = TypeVar("U")
DocDict = Dict[str, Any]  # dicts expressing entries to insert

# indexing options when creating a collection
DEFAULT_INDEXING_OPTIONS = {"allow": ["metadata"]}

def _unique_list(lst: List[T], key: Callable[[T], U]) -> List[T]:
    visited_keys: Set[U] = set()
    new_lst = []
    for item in lst:
        item_key = key(item)
        if item_key not in visited_keys:
    return new_lst

[docs] class AstraDBVectorStore(VectorStore): """AstraDB vector store integration. Setup: Install ``langchain-astradb`` and head to the [AstraDB website](, create an account, create a new database and [create an application token]( .. code-block:: bash pip install -qU langchain-astradb Key init args — indexing params: collection_name: str Name of the collection. embedding: Embeddings Embedding function to use. Key init args — client params: api_endpoint: str AstraDB API endpoint. token: str API token for Astra DB usage. namespace: Optional[str] Namespace (aka keyspace) where the collection is created # TODO: Replace with relevant init params. Instantiate: Get your API endpoint and application token from the dashboard of your database. .. code-block:: python import getpass from langchain_astradb import AstraDBVectorStore from langchain_openai import OpenAIEmbeddings ASTRA_DB_API_ENDPOINT = getpass.getpass("ASTRA_DB_API_ENDPOINT = ") ASTRA_DB_APPLICATION_TOKEN = getpass.getpass("ASTRA_DB_APPLICATION_TOKEN = ") vector_store = AstraDBVectorStore( collection_name="astra_vector_langchain", embedding=OpenAIEmbeddings(), api_endpoint=ASTRA_DB_API_ENDPOINT, token=ASTRA_DB_APPLICATION_TOKEN, ) Add Documents: .. code-block:: python from langchain_core.documents import Document document_1 = Document(page_content="foo", metadata={"baz": "bar"}) document_2 = Document(page_content="thud", metadata={"bar": "baz"}) document_3 = Document(page_content="i will be deleted :(") documents = [document_1, document_2, document_3] ids = ["1", "2", "3"] vector_store.add_documents(documents=documents, ids=ids) Delete Documents: .. code-block:: python vector_store.delete(ids=["3"]) Search: .. code-block:: python results = vector_store.similarity_search(query="thud",k=1) for doc in results: print(f"* {doc.page_content} [{doc.metadata}]") .. code-block:: python * thud [{'bar': 'baz'}] Search with filter: .. code-block:: python results = vector_store.similarity_search(query="thud",k=1,filter={"bar": "baz"}) for doc in results: print(f"* {doc.page_content} [{doc.metadata}]") .. code-block:: python * thud [{'bar': 'baz'}] Search with score: .. code-block:: python results = vector_store.similarity_search_with_score(query="qux",k=1) for doc, score in results: print(f"* [SIM={score:3f}] {doc.page_content} [{doc.metadata}]") .. code-block:: python * [SIM=0.916135] foo [{'baz': 'bar'}] Async: .. code-block:: python # add documents # await vector_store.aadd_documents(documents=documents, ids=ids) # delete documents # await vector_store.adelete(ids=["3"]) # search # results = vector_store.asimilarity_search(query="thud",k=1) # search with score results = await vector_store.asimilarity_search_with_score(query="qux",k=1) for doc,score in results: print(f"* [SIM={score:3f}] {doc.page_content} [{doc.metadata}]") .. code-block:: python * [SIM=0.916135] foo [{'baz': 'bar'}] Use as Retriever: .. code-block:: python retriever = vector_store.as_retriever( search_type="similarity_score_threshold", search_kwargs={"k": 1, "score_threshold": 0.5}, ) retriever.invoke("thud") .. code-block:: python [Document(metadata={'bar': 'baz'}, page_content='thud')] """ # noqa: E501 @staticmethod def _filter_to_metadata(filter_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Dict[str, Any]: if filter_dict is None: return {} else: metadata_filter = {} for k, v in filter_dict.items(): if k and k[0] == "$": if isinstance(v, list): metadata_filter[k] = [ AstraDBVectorStore._filter_to_metadata(f) for f in v ] else: # assume each list item can be fed back to this function metadata_filter[k] = AstraDBVectorStore._filter_to_metadata(v) # type: ignore[assignment] else: metadata_filter[f"metadata.{k}"] = v return metadata_filter @staticmethod def _normalize_metadata_indexing_policy( metadata_indexing_include: Optional[Iterable[str]], metadata_indexing_exclude: Optional[Iterable[str]], collection_indexing_policy: Optional[Dict[str, Any]], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Validate the constructor indexing parameters and normalize them into a ready-to-use dict for the 'options' when creating a collection. """ none_count = sum( [ 1 if var is None else 0 for var in [ metadata_indexing_include, metadata_indexing_exclude, collection_indexing_policy, ] ] ) if none_count >= 2: if metadata_indexing_include is not None: return { "allow": [ f"metadata.{md_field}" for md_field in metadata_indexing_include ] } elif metadata_indexing_exclude is not None: return { "deny": [ f"metadata.{md_field}" for md_field in metadata_indexing_exclude ] } elif collection_indexing_policy is not None: return collection_indexing_policy else: return DEFAULT_INDEXING_OPTIONS else: raise ValueError( "At most one of the parameters `metadata_indexing_include`," " `metadata_indexing_exclude` and `collection_indexing_policy`" " can be specified as non null." )
[docs] def __init__( self, *, collection_name: str, embedding: Optional[Embeddings] = None, token: Optional[Union[str, TokenProvider]] = None, api_endpoint: Optional[str] = None, environment: Optional[str] = None, astra_db_client: Optional[AstraDBClient] = None, async_astra_db_client: Optional[AsyncAstraDBClient] = None, namespace: Optional[str] = None, metric: Optional[str] = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, bulk_insert_batch_concurrency: Optional[int] = None, bulk_insert_overwrite_concurrency: Optional[int] = None, bulk_delete_concurrency: Optional[int] = None, setup_mode: SetupMode = SetupMode.SYNC, pre_delete_collection: bool = False, metadata_indexing_include: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, metadata_indexing_exclude: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, collection_indexing_policy: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, collection_vector_service_options: Optional[ CollectionVectorServiceOptions ] = None, collection_embedding_api_key: Optional[ Union[str, EmbeddingHeadersProvider] ] = None, ) -> None: """Wrapper around DataStax Astra DB for vector-store workloads. For quickstart and details, visit Args: embedding: the embeddings function or service to use. This enables client-side embedding functions or calls to external embedding providers. If `embedding` is provided, arguments `collection_vector_service_options` and `collection_embedding_api_key` cannot be provided. collection_name: name of the Astra DB collection to create/use. token: API token for Astra DB usage, either in the form of a string or a subclass of `astrapy.authentication.TokenProvider`. If not provided, the environment variable ASTRA_DB_APPLICATION_TOKEN is inspected. api_endpoint: full URL to the API endpoint, such as `https://<DB-ID>`. If not provided, the environment variable ASTRA_DB_API_ENDPOINT is inspected. environment: a string specifying the environment of the target Data API. If omitted, defaults to "prod" (Astra DB production). Other values are in `astrapy.constants.Environment` enum class. astra_db_client: *DEPRECATED starting from version 0.3.5.* *Please use 'token', 'api_endpoint' and optionally 'environment'.* you can pass an already-created 'astrapy.db.AstraDB' instance (alternatively to 'token', 'api_endpoint' and 'environment'). async_astra_db_client: *DEPRECATED starting from version 0.3.5.* *Please use 'token', 'api_endpoint' and optionally 'environment'.* you can pass an already-created 'astrapy.db.AsyncAstraDB' instance (alternatively to 'token', 'api_endpoint' and 'environment'). namespace: namespace (aka keyspace) where the collection is created. If not provided, the environment variable ASTRA_DB_KEYSPACE is inspected. Defaults to the database's "default namespace". metric: similarity function to use out of those available in Astra DB. If left out, it will use Astra DB API's defaults (i.e. "cosine" - but, for performance reasons, "dot_product" is suggested if embeddings are normalized to one). batch_size: Size of document chunks for each individual insertion API request. If not provided, astrapy defaults are applied. bulk_insert_batch_concurrency: Number of threads or coroutines to insert batches concurrently. bulk_insert_overwrite_concurrency: Number of threads or coroutines in a batch to insert pre-existing entries. bulk_delete_concurrency: Number of threads or coroutines for multiple-entry deletes. pre_delete_collection: whether to delete the collection before creating it. If False and the collection already exists, the collection will be used as is. metadata_indexing_include: an allowlist of the specific metadata subfields that should be indexed for later filtering in searches. metadata_indexing_exclude: a denylist of the specific metadata subfields that should not be indexed for later filtering in searches. collection_indexing_policy: a full "indexing" specification for what fields should be indexed for later filtering in searches. This dict must conform to to the API specifications (see data-api-commands.html#advanced-feature-indexing-clause-on-createcollection) collection_vector_service_options: specifies the use of server-side embeddings within Astra DB. If passing this parameter, `embedding` cannot be provided. collection_embedding_api_key: for usage of server-side embeddings within Astra DB. With this parameter one can supply an API Key that will be passed to Astra DB with each data request. This parameter can be either a string or a subclass of `astrapy.authentication.EmbeddingHeadersProvider`. This is useful when the service is configured for the collection, but no corresponding secret is stored within Astra's key management system. This parameter cannot be provided without specifying `collection_vector_service_options`. Note: For concurrency in synchronous :meth:`~add_texts`:, as a rule of thumb, on a typical client machine it is suggested to keep the quantity bulk_insert_batch_concurrency * bulk_insert_overwrite_concurrency much below 1000 to avoid exhausting the client multithreading/networking resources. The hardcoded defaults are somewhat conservative to meet most machines' specs, but a sensible choice to test may be: - bulk_insert_batch_concurrency = 80 - bulk_insert_overwrite_concurrency = 10 A bit of experimentation is required to nail the best results here, depending on both the machine/network specs and the expected workload (specifically, how often a write is an update of an existing id). Remember you can pass concurrency settings to individual calls to :meth:`~add_texts` and :meth:`~add_documents` as well. """ # Embedding and the server-side embeddings are mutually exclusive, # as both specify how to produce embeddings if embedding is None and collection_vector_service_options is None: raise ValueError( "Either an `embedding` or a `collection_vector_service_options`\ must be provided." ) if embedding is not None and collection_vector_service_options is not None: raise ValueError( "Only one of `embedding` or `collection_vector_service_options`\ can be provided." ) if ( collection_vector_service_options is None and collection_embedding_api_key is not None ): raise ValueError( "`collection_embedding_api_key` cannot be provided unless" " `collection_vector_service_options` is also passed." ) self.embedding_dimension: Optional[int] = None self.embedding = embedding self.collection_name = collection_name self.token = token self.api_endpoint = api_endpoint self.environment = environment self.namespace = namespace self.collection_vector_service_options = collection_vector_service_options self.collection_embedding_api_key = collection_embedding_api_key # Concurrency settings self.batch_size: Optional[int] = batch_size or DEFAULT_DOCUMENT_CHUNK_SIZE self.bulk_insert_batch_concurrency: int = ( bulk_insert_batch_concurrency or MAX_CONCURRENT_DOCUMENT_INSERTIONS ) self.bulk_insert_overwrite_concurrency: int = ( bulk_insert_overwrite_concurrency or MAX_CONCURRENT_DOCUMENT_REPLACEMENTS ) self.bulk_delete_concurrency: int = ( bulk_delete_concurrency or MAX_CONCURRENT_DOCUMENT_DELETIONS ) # "vector-related" settings self.metric = metric embedding_dimension_m: Union[int, Awaitable[int], None] = None if self.embedding is not None: if setup_mode == SetupMode.ASYNC: embedding_dimension_m = self._aget_embedding_dimension() elif setup_mode == SetupMode.SYNC or setup_mode == SetupMode.OFF: embedding_dimension_m = self._get_embedding_dimension() # indexing policy setting self.indexing_policy: Dict[str, Any] = self._normalize_metadata_indexing_policy( metadata_indexing_include=metadata_indexing_include, metadata_indexing_exclude=metadata_indexing_exclude, collection_indexing_policy=collection_indexing_policy, ) self.astra_env = _AstraDBCollectionEnvironment( collection_name=collection_name, token=self.token, api_endpoint=self.api_endpoint, environment=self.environment, astra_db_client=astra_db_client, async_astra_db_client=async_astra_db_client, namespace=self.namespace, setup_mode=setup_mode, pre_delete_collection=pre_delete_collection, embedding_dimension=embedding_dimension_m, metric=self.metric, requested_indexing_policy=self.indexing_policy, default_indexing_policy=DEFAULT_INDEXING_OPTIONS, collection_vector_service_options=self.collection_vector_service_options, collection_embedding_api_key=self.collection_embedding_api_key, )
def _get_embedding_dimension(self) -> int: assert self.embedding is not None if self.embedding_dimension is None: self.embedding_dimension = len( self.embedding.embed_query(text="This is a sample sentence.") ) return self.embedding_dimension async def _aget_embedding_dimension(self) -> int: assert self.embedding is not None if self.embedding_dimension is None: self.embedding_dimension = len( await self.embedding.aembed_query(text="This is a sample sentence.") ) return self.embedding_dimension @property def embeddings(self) -> Optional[Embeddings]: """ Accesses the supplied embeddings object. If using server-side embeddings, this will return None. """ return self.embedding def _using_vectorize(self) -> bool: """Indicates whether server-side embeddings are being used.""" return self.collection_vector_service_options is not None def _select_relevance_score_fn(self) -> Callable[[float], float]: """ The underlying API calls already returns a "score proper", i.e. one in [0, 1] where higher means more *similar*, so here the final score transformation is not reversing the interval: """ return lambda score: score
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """Empty the collection of all its stored entries.""" self.astra_env.ensure_db_setup() self.astra_env.collection.delete_many({})
[docs] async def aclear(self) -> None: """Empty the collection of all its stored entries.""" await self.astra_env.aensure_db_setup() await self.astra_env.async_collection.delete_many({})
[docs] def delete_by_document_id(self, document_id: str) -> bool: """ Remove a single document from the store, given its document ID. Args: document_id: The document ID Returns True if a document has indeed been deleted, False if ID not found. """ self.astra_env.ensure_db_setup() # self.collection is not None (by _ensure_astra_db_client) deletion_response = self.astra_env.collection.delete_one({"_id": document_id}) return deletion_response.deleted_count == 1
[docs] async def adelete_by_document_id(self, document_id: str) -> bool: """ Remove a single document from the store, given its document ID. Args: document_id: The document ID Returns True if a document has indeed been deleted, False if ID not found. """ await self.astra_env.aensure_db_setup() deletion_response = await self.astra_env.async_collection.delete_one( {"_id": document_id}, ) return deletion_response.deleted_count == 1
[docs] def delete( self, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Optional[bool]: """Delete by vector ids. Args: ids: List of ids to delete. concurrency: max number of threads issuing single-doc delete requests. Defaults to vector-store overall setting. Returns: True if deletion is (entirely) successful, False otherwise. """ if kwargs: warnings.warn( "Method 'delete' of AstraDBVectorStore vector store invoked with " f"unsupported arguments ({', '.join(sorted(kwargs.keys()))}), " "which will be ignored." ) if ids is None: raise ValueError("No ids provided to delete.") _max_workers = concurrency or self.bulk_delete_concurrency with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=_max_workers) as tpe: _ = list( self.delete_by_document_id, ids, ) ) return True
[docs] async def adelete( self, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Optional[bool]: """Delete by vector ids. Args: ids: List of ids to delete. concurrency: max number of simultaneous coroutines for single-doc delete requests. Defaults to vector-store overall setting. Returns: True if deletion is (entirely) successful, False otherwise. """ if kwargs: warnings.warn( "Method 'adelete' of AstraDBVectorStore invoked with " f"unsupported arguments ({', '.join(sorted(kwargs.keys()))}), " "which will be ignored." ) if ids is None: raise ValueError("No ids provided to delete.") _max_workers = concurrency or self.bulk_delete_concurrency return all( await gather_with_concurrency( _max_workers, *[self.adelete_by_document_id(doc_id) for doc_id in ids] ) )
[docs] def delete_collection(self) -> None: """ Completely delete the collection from the database (as opposed to :meth:`~clear`, which empties it only). Stored data is lost and unrecoverable, resources are freed. Use with caution. """ self.astra_env.ensure_db_setup() self.astra_env.collection.drop()
[docs] async def adelete_collection(self) -> None: """ Completely delete the collection from the database (as opposed to :meth:`~aclear`, which empties it only). Stored data is lost and unrecoverable, resources are freed. Use with caution. """ await self.astra_env.aensure_db_setup() await self.astra_env.async_collection.drop()
@staticmethod def _get_documents_to_insert( texts: Iterable[str], embedding_vectors: List[List[float]], metadatas: Optional[List[dict]] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> List[DocDict]: if ids is None: ids = [uuid.uuid4().hex for _ in texts] if metadatas is None: metadatas = [{} for _ in texts] # documents_to_insert = [ { "content": b_txt, "_id": b_id, "$vector": b_emb, "metadata": b_md, } for b_txt, b_emb, b_id, b_md in zip( texts, embedding_vectors, ids, metadatas, ) ] # make unique by id, keeping the last uniqued_documents_to_insert = _unique_list( documents_to_insert[::-1], lambda document: document["_id"], )[::-1] return uniqued_documents_to_insert @staticmethod def _get_vectorize_documents_to_insert( texts: Iterable[str], metadatas: Optional[List[dict]] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> List[DocDict]: if ids is None: ids = [uuid.uuid4().hex for _ in texts] if metadatas is None: metadatas = [{} for _ in texts] # documents_to_insert = [ { "_id": b_id, "$vectorize": b_txt, "metadata": b_md, } for b_txt, b_id, b_md in zip( texts, ids, metadatas, ) ] # make unique by id, keeping the last uniqued_documents_to_insert = _unique_list( documents_to_insert[::-1], lambda document: document["_id"], )[::-1] return uniqued_documents_to_insert @staticmethod def _get_missing_from_batch( document_batch: List[DocDict], insert_result: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[DocDict]]: if "status" not in insert_result: raise ValueError( f"API Exception while running bulk insertion: {str(insert_result)}" ) batch_inserted = insert_result["status"]["insertedIds"] # estimation of the preexisting documents that failed missed_inserted_ids = {document["_id"] for document in document_batch} - set( batch_inserted ) errors = insert_result.get("errors", []) # careful for other sources of error other than "doc already exists" num_errors = len(errors) unexpected_errors = any( error.get("errorCode") != "DOCUMENT_ALREADY_EXISTS" for error in errors ) if num_errors != len(missed_inserted_ids) or unexpected_errors: raise ValueError( f"API Exception while running bulk insertion: {str(errors)}" ) # deal with the missing insertions as upserts missing_from_batch = [ document for document in document_batch if document["_id"] in missed_inserted_ids ] return batch_inserted, missing_from_batch
[docs] def add_texts( self, texts: Iterable[str], metadatas: Optional[List[dict]] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, batch_concurrency: Optional[int] = None, overwrite_concurrency: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[str]: """Run texts through the embeddings and add them to the vectorstore. If passing explicit ids, those entries whose id is in the store already will be replaced. Args: texts: Texts to add to the vectorstore. metadatas: Optional list of metadatas. ids: Optional list of ids. batch_size: Size of document chunks for each individual insertion API request. If not provided, defaults to the vector-store overall defaults (which in turn falls to astrapy defaults). batch_concurrency: number of threads to process insertion batches concurrently. Defaults to the vector-store overall setting if not provided. overwrite_concurrency: number of threads to process pre-existing documents in each batch. Defaults to the vector-store overall setting if not provided. Note: There are constraints on the allowed field names in the metadata dictionaries, coming from the underlying Astra DB API. For instance, the `$` (dollar sign) cannot be used in the dict keys. See this document for details: Returns: The list of ids of the added texts. """ if kwargs: warnings.warn( "Method 'add_texts' of AstraDBVectorStore vector store invoked with " f"unsupported arguments ({', '.join(sorted(kwargs.keys()))}), " "which will be ignored." ) self.astra_env.ensure_db_setup() if self._using_vectorize(): documents_to_insert = self._get_vectorize_documents_to_insert( texts, metadatas, ids ) else: assert self.embedding is not None embedding_vectors = self.embedding.embed_documents(list(texts)) documents_to_insert = self._get_documents_to_insert( texts, embedding_vectors, metadatas, ids ) # perform an AstraPy insert_many, catching exceptions for overwriting docs ids_to_replace: List[int] inserted_ids: List[str] = [] try: insert_many_result = self.astra_env.collection.insert_many( documents_to_insert, ordered=False, concurrency=batch_concurrency or self.bulk_insert_batch_concurrency, chunk_size=batch_size or self.batch_size, ) ids_to_replace = [] inserted_ids = insert_many_result.inserted_ids except InsertManyException as err: inserted_ids = err.partial_result.inserted_ids inserted_ids_set = set(inserted_ids) ids_to_replace = [ document["_id"] for document in documents_to_insert if document["_id"] not in inserted_ids_set ] # if necessary, replace docs for the non-inserted ids if ids_to_replace: documents_to_replace = [ document for document in documents_to_insert if document["_id"] in ids_to_replace ] _max_workers = ( overwrite_concurrency or self.bulk_insert_overwrite_concurrency ) with ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=_max_workers, ) as executor: def _replace_document( document: Dict[str, Any], ) -> Tuple[UpdateResult, str]: return self.astra_env.collection.replace_one( {"_id": document["_id"]}, document, ), document["_id"] replace_results = list( _replace_document, documents_to_replace, ) ) replaced_count = sum(r_res.update_info["n"] for r_res, _ in replace_results) inserted_ids += [replaced_id for _, replaced_id in replace_results] if replaced_count != len(ids_to_replace): missing = len(ids_to_replace) - replaced_count raise ValueError( "AstraDBVectorStore.add_texts could not insert all requested " f"documents ({missing} failed replace_one calls)" ) return inserted_ids
[docs] async def aadd_texts( self, texts: Iterable[str], metadatas: Optional[List[dict]] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, batch_concurrency: Optional[int] = None, overwrite_concurrency: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[str]: """Run texts through the embeddings and add them to the vectorstore. If passing explicit ids, those entries whose id is in the store already will be replaced. Args: texts: Texts to add to the vectorstore. metadatas: Optional list of metadatas. ids: Optional list of ids. batch_size: Size of document chunks for each individual insertion API request. If not provided, defaults to the vector-store overall defaults (which in turn falls to astrapy defaults). batch_concurrency: number of simultaneous coroutines to process insertion batches concurrently. Defaults to the vector-store overall setting if not provided. overwrite_concurrency: number of simultaneous coroutines to process pre-existing documents in each batch. Defaults to the vector-store overall setting if not provided. Note: There are constraints on the allowed field names in the metadata dictionaries, coming from the underlying Astra DB API. For instance, the `$` (dollar sign) cannot be used in the dict keys. See this document for details: Returns: The list of ids of the added texts. """ if kwargs: warnings.warn( "Method 'aadd_texts' of AstraDBVectorStore invoked with " f"unsupported arguments ({', '.join(sorted(kwargs.keys()))}), " "which will be ignored." ) await self.astra_env.aensure_db_setup() if self._using_vectorize(): # using server-side embeddings documents_to_insert = self._get_vectorize_documents_to_insert( texts, metadatas, ids ) else: assert self.embedding is not None embedding_vectors = await self.embedding.aembed_documents(list(texts)) documents_to_insert = self._get_documents_to_insert( texts, embedding_vectors, metadatas, ids ) # perform an AstraPy insert_many, catching exceptions for overwriting docs ids_to_replace: List[int] inserted_ids: List[str] = [] try: insert_many_result = await self.astra_env.async_collection.insert_many( documents_to_insert, ordered=False, concurrency=batch_concurrency or self.bulk_insert_batch_concurrency, chunk_size=batch_size or self.batch_size, ) ids_to_replace = [] inserted_ids = insert_many_result.inserted_ids except InsertManyException as err: inserted_ids = err.partial_result.inserted_ids inserted_ids_set = set(inserted_ids) ids_to_replace = [ document["_id"] for document in documents_to_insert if document["_id"] not in inserted_ids_set ] # if necessary, replace docs for the non-inserted ids if ids_to_replace: documents_to_replace = [ document for document in documents_to_insert if document["_id"] in ids_to_replace ] sem = asyncio.Semaphore( overwrite_concurrency or self.bulk_insert_overwrite_concurrency, ) _async_collection = self.astra_env.async_collection async def _replace_document( document: Dict[str, Any], ) -> Tuple[UpdateResult, str]: async with sem: return await _async_collection.replace_one( {"_id": document["_id"]}, document, ), document["_id"] tasks = [ asyncio.create_task(_replace_document(document)) for document in documents_to_replace ] replace_results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks, return_exceptions=False) replaced_count = sum(r_res.update_info["n"] for r_res, _ in replace_results) inserted_ids += [replaced_id for _, replaced_id in replace_results] if replaced_count != len(ids_to_replace): missing = len(ids_to_replace) - replaced_count raise ValueError( "AstraDBVectorStore.add_texts could not insert all requested " f"documents ({missing} failed replace_one calls)" ) return inserted_ids
[docs] def similarity_search_with_score_id_by_vector( self, embedding: List[float], k: int = 4, filter: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float, str]]: """Return docs most similar to embedding vector with score and id. Args: embedding: Embedding to look up documents similar to. k: Number of Documents to return. Defaults to 4. filter: Filter on the metadata to apply. Returns: The list of (Document, score, id), the most similar to the query vector. """ self.astra_env.ensure_db_setup() metadata_parameter = self._filter_to_metadata(filter) # hits = list( self.astra_env.collection.find( filter=metadata_parameter, projection={ "_id": True, "content": True, "metadata": True, }, limit=k, include_similarity=True, sort={"$vector": embedding}, ) ) # return [ ( Document( page_content=hit["content"], metadata=hit["metadata"], ), hit["$similarity"], hit["_id"], ) for hit in hits ]
[docs] async def asimilarity_search_with_score_id_by_vector( self, embedding: List[float], k: int = 4, filter: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float, str]]: """Return docs most similar to embedding vector with score and id. Args: embedding: Embedding to look up documents similar to. k: Number of Documents to return. Defaults to 4. filter: Filter on the metadata to apply. Returns: The list of (Document, score, id), the most similar to the query vector. """ await self.astra_env.aensure_db_setup() metadata_parameter = self._filter_to_metadata(filter) # return [ ( Document( page_content=hit["content"], metadata=hit["metadata"], ), hit["$similarity"], hit["_id"], ) async for hit in self.astra_env.async_collection.find( filter=metadata_parameter, projection={ "_id": True, "content": True, "metadata": True, }, limit=k, include_similarity=True, sort={"$vector": embedding}, ) ]
def _similarity_search_with_score_id_with_vectorize( self, query: str, k: int = 4, filter: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float, str]]: """Return docs most similar to the query with score and id using $vectorize. This is only available when using server-side embeddings. """ self.astra_env.ensure_db_setup() metadata_parameter = self._filter_to_metadata(filter) # hits = list( self.astra_env.collection.find( filter=metadata_parameter, projection={ "_id": True, "$vectorize": True, "metadata": True, }, limit=k, include_similarity=True, sort={"$vectorize": query}, ) ) # return [ ( Document( # text content is stored in $vectorize instead of content page_content=hit["$vectorize"], metadata=hit["metadata"], ), hit["$similarity"], hit["_id"], ) for hit in hits ] async def _asimilarity_search_with_score_id_with_vectorize( self, query: str, k: int = 4, filter: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float, str]]: """Return docs most similar to the query with score and id using $vectorize. This is only available when using server-side embeddings. """ await self.astra_env.aensure_db_setup() metadata_parameter = self._filter_to_metadata(filter) # return [ ( Document( # text content is stored in $vectorize instead of content page_content=hit["$vectorize"], metadata=hit["metadata"], ), hit["$similarity"], hit["_id"], ) async for hit in self.astra_env.async_collection.find( filter=metadata_parameter, projection={ "_id": True, "$vectorize": True, "metadata": True, }, limit=k, include_similarity=True, sort={"$vectorize": query}, ) ]
[docs] def similarity_search_with_score_id( self, query: str, k: int = 4, filter: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float, str]]: """Return docs most similar to the query with score and id. Args: query: Query to look up documents similar to. k: Number of Documents to return. Defaults to 4. filter: Filter on the metadata to apply. Returns: The list of (Document, score, id), the most similar to the query. """ if self._using_vectorize(): return self._similarity_search_with_score_id_with_vectorize( query=query, k=k, filter=filter, ) else: assert self.embedding is not None embedding_vector = self.embedding.embed_query(query) return self.similarity_search_with_score_id_by_vector( embedding=embedding_vector, k=k, filter=filter, )
[docs] async def asimilarity_search_with_score_id( self, query: str, k: int = 4, filter: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float, str]]: """Return docs most similar to the query with score and id. Args: query: Query to look up documents similar to. k: Number of Documents to return. Defaults to 4. filter: Filter on the metadata to apply. Returns: The list of (Document, score, id), the most similar to the query. """ if self._using_vectorize(): return await self._asimilarity_search_with_score_id_with_vectorize( query=query, k=k, filter=filter, ) else: assert self.embedding is not None embedding_vector = await self.embedding.aembed_query(query) return await self.asimilarity_search_with_score_id_by_vector( embedding=embedding_vector, k=k, filter=filter, )
[docs] def similarity_search_with_score_by_vector( self, embedding: List[float], k: int = 4, filter: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: """Return docs most similar to embedding vector with score. Args: embedding: Embedding to look up documents similar to. k: Number of Documents to return. Defaults to 4. filter: Filter on the metadata to apply. Returns: The list of (Document, score), the most similar to the query vector. """ return [ (doc, score) for (doc, score, doc_id) in self.similarity_search_with_score_id_by_vector( embedding=embedding, k=k, filter=filter, ) ]
[docs] async def asimilarity_search_with_score_by_vector( self, embedding: List[float], k: int = 4, filter: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: """Return docs most similar to embedding vector with score. Args: embedding: Embedding to look up documents similar to. k: Number of Documents to return. Defaults to 4. filter: Filter on the metadata to apply. Returns: The list of (Document, score), the most similar to the query vector. """ return [ (doc, score) for ( doc, score, doc_id, ) in await self.asimilarity_search_with_score_id_by_vector( embedding=embedding, k=k, filter=filter, ) ]
[docs] def similarity_search_by_vector( self, embedding: List[float], k: int = 4, filter: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Document]: """Return docs most similar to embedding vector. Args: embedding: Embedding to look up documents similar to. k: Number of Documents to return. Defaults to 4. filter: Filter on the metadata to apply. Returns: The list of Documents most similar to the query vector. """ return [ doc for doc, _ in self.similarity_search_with_score_by_vector( embedding, k, filter=filter, ) ]
[docs] async def asimilarity_search_by_vector( self, embedding: List[float], k: int = 4, filter: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Document]: """Return docs most similar to embedding vector. Args: embedding: Embedding to look up documents similar to. k: Number of Documents to return. Defaults to 4. filter: Filter on the metadata to apply. Returns: The list of Documents most similar to the query vector. """ return [ doc for doc, _ in await self.asimilarity_search_with_score_by_vector( embedding, k, filter=filter, ) ]
[docs] def similarity_search_with_score( self, query: str, k: int = 4, filter: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: """Return docs most similar to query with score. Args: query: Query to look up documents similar to. k: Number of Documents to return. Defaults to 4. filter: Filter on the metadata to apply. Returns: The list of (Document, score), the most similar to the query vector. """ if self._using_vectorize(): return [ (doc, score) for ( doc, score, doc_id, ) in self._similarity_search_with_score_id_with_vectorize( query=query, k=k, filter=filter, ) ] else: assert self.embedding is not None embedding_vector = self.embedding.embed_query(query) return self.similarity_search_with_score_by_vector( embedding_vector, k, filter=filter, )
[docs] async def asimilarity_search_with_score( self, query: str, k: int = 4, filter: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: """Return docs most similar to query with score. Args: query: Query to look up documents similar to. k: Number of Documents to return. Defaults to 4. filter: Filter on the metadata to apply. Returns: The list of (Document, score), the most similar to the query vector. """ if self._using_vectorize(): return [ (doc, score) for ( doc, score, doc_id, ) in await self._asimilarity_search_with_score_id_with_vectorize( query=query, k=k, filter=filter, ) ] else: assert self.embedding is not None embedding_vector = await self.embedding.aembed_query(query) return await self.asimilarity_search_with_score_by_vector( embedding_vector, k, filter=filter, )
def _run_mmr_query_by_sort( self, sort: Dict[str, Any], k: int, fetch_k: int, lambda_mult: float, metadata_parameter: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Document]: prefetch_cursor = self.astra_env.collection.find( filter=metadata_parameter, projection={ "_id": True, "content": True, "metadata": True, "$vector": True, "$vectorize": True, }, limit=fetch_k, include_similarity=True, include_sort_vector=True, sort=sort, ) prefetch_hits = list(prefetch_cursor) query_vector = prefetch_cursor.get_sort_vector() return self._get_mmr_hits( embedding=query_vector, # type: ignore[arg-type] k=k, lambda_mult=lambda_mult, prefetch_hits=prefetch_hits, content_field="$vectorize" if self._using_vectorize() else "content", ) async def _arun_mmr_query_by_sort( self, sort: Dict[str, Any], k: int, fetch_k: int, lambda_mult: float, metadata_parameter: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Document]: prefetch_cursor = self.astra_env.async_collection.find( filter=metadata_parameter, projection={ "_id": True, "content": True, "metadata": True, "$vector": True, "$vectorize": True, }, limit=fetch_k, include_similarity=True, include_sort_vector=True, sort=sort, ) prefetch_hits = [hit async for hit in prefetch_cursor] query_vector = await prefetch_cursor.get_sort_vector() return self._get_mmr_hits( embedding=query_vector, # type: ignore[arg-type] k=k, lambda_mult=lambda_mult, prefetch_hits=prefetch_hits, content_field="$vectorize" if self._using_vectorize() else "content", ) @staticmethod def _get_mmr_hits( embedding: List[float], k: int, lambda_mult: float, prefetch_hits: List[DocDict], content_field: str, ) -> List[Document]: mmr_chosen_indices = maximal_marginal_relevance( np.array(embedding, dtype=np.float32), [prefetch_hit["$vector"] for prefetch_hit in prefetch_hits], k=k, lambda_mult=lambda_mult, ) mmr_hits = [ prefetch_hit for prefetch_index, prefetch_hit in enumerate(prefetch_hits) if prefetch_index in mmr_chosen_indices ] return [ Document( page_content=hit[content_field], metadata=hit["metadata"], ) for hit in mmr_hits ]
[docs] def max_marginal_relevance_search_by_vector( self, embedding: List[float], k: int = 4, fetch_k: int = 20, lambda_mult: float = 0.5, filter: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Document]: """Return docs selected using the maximal marginal relevance. Maximal marginal relevance optimizes for similarity to query AND diversity among selected documents. Args: embedding: Embedding to look up documents similar to. k: Number of Documents to return. fetch_k: Number of Documents to fetch to pass to MMR algorithm. lambda_mult: Number between 0 and 1 that determines the degree of diversity among the results with 0 corresponding to maximum diversity and 1 to minimum diversity. filter: Filter on the metadata to apply. Returns: The list of Documents selected by maximal marginal relevance. """ self.astra_env.ensure_db_setup() metadata_parameter = self._filter_to_metadata(filter) return self._run_mmr_query_by_sort( sort={"$vector": embedding}, k=k, fetch_k=fetch_k, lambda_mult=lambda_mult, metadata_parameter=metadata_parameter, )
[docs] async def amax_marginal_relevance_search_by_vector( self, embedding: List[float], k: int = 4, fetch_k: int = 20, lambda_mult: float = 0.5, filter: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Document]: """Return docs selected using the maximal marginal relevance. Maximal marginal relevance optimizes for similarity to query AND diversity among selected documents. Args: embedding: Embedding to look up documents similar to. k: Number of Documents to return. fetch_k: Number of Documents to fetch to pass to MMR algorithm. lambda_mult: Number between 0 and 1 that determines the degree of diversity among the results with 0 corresponding to maximum diversity and 1 to minimum diversity. filter: Filter on the metadata to apply. Returns: The list of Documents selected by maximal marginal relevance. """ await self.astra_env.aensure_db_setup() metadata_parameter = self._filter_to_metadata(filter) return await self._arun_mmr_query_by_sort( sort={"$vector": embedding}, k=k, fetch_k=fetch_k, lambda_mult=lambda_mult, metadata_parameter=metadata_parameter, )
@classmethod def _from_kwargs( cls: Type[AstraDBVectorStore], **kwargs: Any, ) -> AstraDBVectorStore: _args = inspect.getfullargspec(AstraDBVectorStore.__init__).args _kwargs = inspect.getfullargspec(AstraDBVectorStore.__init__).kwonlyargs known_kwarg_keys = (set(_args) | set(_kwargs)) - {"self"} if kwargs: unknown_kwarg_keys = set(kwargs.keys()) - known_kwarg_keys if unknown_kwarg_keys: warnings.warn( ( "Method 'from_texts/afrom_texts' of AstraDBVectorStore " "vector store invoked with unsupported arguments " f"({', '.join(sorted(unknown_kwarg_keys))}), " "which will be ignored." ), UserWarning, ) known_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in known_kwarg_keys} return cls(**known_kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_texts( cls: Type[AstraDBVectorStore], texts: List[str], embedding: Optional[Embeddings] = None, metadatas: Optional[List[dict]] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AstraDBVectorStore: """Create an Astra DB vectorstore from raw texts. Args: texts: the texts to insert. embedding: the embedding function to use in the store. metadatas: metadata dicts for the texts. ids: ids to associate to the texts. **kwargs: you can pass any argument that you would to :meth:`~add_texts` and/or to the 'AstraDBVectorStore' constructor (see these methods for details). These arguments will be routed to the respective methods as they are. Returns: an `AstraDBVectorStore` vectorstore. """ _add_texts_inspection = inspect.getfullargspec(AstraDBVectorStore.add_texts) _method_args = ( set(_add_texts_inspection.kwonlyargs) | set(_add_texts_inspection.kwonlyargs) ) - {"self", "texts", "metadatas", "ids"} _init_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in _method_args} _method_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in _method_args} astra_db_store = AstraDBVectorStore._from_kwargs( embedding=embedding, **_init_kwargs, ) astra_db_store.add_texts( texts=texts, metadatas=metadatas, ids=ids, **_method_kwargs, ) return astra_db_store
[docs] @classmethod async def afrom_texts( cls: Type[AstraDBVectorStore], texts: List[str], embedding: Optional[Embeddings] = None, metadatas: Optional[List[dict]] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AstraDBVectorStore: """Create an Astra DB vectorstore from raw texts. Args: texts: the texts to insert. metadatas: metadata dicts for the texts. ids: ids to associate to the texts. **kwargs: you can pass any argument that you would to :meth:`~aadd_texts` and/or to the 'AstraDBVectorStore' constructor (see these methods for details). These arguments will be routed to the respective methods as they are. Returns: an `AstraDBVectorStore` vectorstore. """ _aadd_texts_inspection = inspect.getfullargspec(AstraDBVectorStore.aadd_texts) _method_args = ( set(_aadd_texts_inspection.kwonlyargs) | set(_aadd_texts_inspection.kwonlyargs) ) - {"self", "texts", "metadatas", "ids"} _init_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in _method_args} _method_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in _method_args} astra_db_store = AstraDBVectorStore._from_kwargs( embedding=embedding, **_init_kwargs, ) await astra_db_store.aadd_texts( texts=texts, metadatas=metadatas, ids=ids, **_method_kwargs, ) return astra_db_store
[docs] @classmethod def from_documents( cls: Type[AstraDBVectorStore], documents: List[Document], embedding: Optional[Embeddings] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AstraDBVectorStore: """Create an Astra DB vectorstore from a document list. Utility method that defers to 'from_texts' (see that one). Args: see 'from_texts', except here you have to supply 'documents' in place of 'texts' and 'metadatas'. Returns: an `AstraDBVectorStore` vectorstore. """ texts = [d.page_content for d in documents] metadatas = [d.metadata for d in documents] return cls.from_texts( texts, embedding=embedding, metadatas=metadatas, **kwargs, )
[docs] @classmethod async def afrom_documents( cls: Type[AstraDBVectorStore], documents: List[Document], embedding: Optional[Embeddings] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AstraDBVectorStore: """Create an Astra DB vectorstore from a document list. Utility method that defers to 'afrom_texts' (see that one). Args: see 'afrom_texts', except here you have to supply 'documents' in place of 'texts' and 'metadatas'. Returns: an `AstraDBVectorStore` vectorstore. """ texts = [d.page_content for d in documents] metadatas = [d.metadata for d in documents] return await cls.afrom_texts( texts, embedding=embedding, metadatas=metadatas, **kwargs, )