Source code for langchain_astradb.utils.astradb

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import inspect
import json
import logging
import os
import warnings
from asyncio import InvalidStateError, Task
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Awaitable, Dict, List, Optional, Union

import langchain_core
from astrapy import AsyncDatabase, DataAPIClient, Database
from astrapy.authentication import EmbeddingHeadersProvider, TokenProvider
from astrapy.db import AstraDB, AsyncAstraDB  # 'core' astrapy imports
from astrapy.exceptions import DataAPIException
from import CollectionDescriptor, CollectionVectorServiceOptions


# Default settings for API data operations (concurrency & similar):
# Chunk size for many-document insertions (None meaning defer to astrapy):
# thread/coroutine count for bulk inserts
# Thread/coroutine count for one-doc-at-a-time overwrites
# Thread/coroutine count for one-doc-at-a-time deletes:

logger = logging.getLogger()

[docs] class SetupMode(Enum): SYNC = 1 ASYNC = 2 OFF = 3
class _AstraDBEnvironment: def __init__( self, token: Optional[Union[str, TokenProvider]] = None, api_endpoint: Optional[str] = None, environment: Optional[str] = None, astra_db_client: Optional[AstraDB] = None, async_astra_db_client: Optional[AsyncAstraDB] = None, namespace: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: self.token: Optional[Union[str, TokenProvider]] self.api_endpoint: Optional[str] self.namespace: Optional[str] self.environment: Optional[str] self.data_api_client: DataAPIClient self.database: Database self.async_database: AsyncDatabase if astra_db_client is not None or async_astra_db_client is not None: if token is not None or api_endpoint is not None or environment is not None: raise ValueError( "You cannot pass 'astra_db_client' or 'async_astra_db_client' " "to AstraDBEnvironment if passing 'token', 'api_endpoint' or " "'environment'." ) if astra_db_client is not None: _astra_db = astra_db_client.copy() else: _astra_db = None if async_astra_db_client is not None: _async_astra_db = async_astra_db_client.copy() else: _async_astra_db = None # deprecation of the 'core classes' in constructor and conversion # to token/endpoint(-environment) based init, with checks # at least one of the two (core) clients is not None: warnings.warn( ( "Initializing Astra DB LangChain classes by passing " "AstraDB/AsyncAstraDB ready clients is deprecated starting " "with langchain-astradb==0.3.5. Please switch to passing " "'token', 'api_endpoint' (and optionally 'environment') " "instead." ), DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) _tokens = list( { klient.token for klient in [astra_db_client, async_astra_db_client] if klient is not None } ) _api_endpoints = list( { klient.api_endpoint for klient in [astra_db_client, async_astra_db_client] if klient is not None } ) _namespaces = list( { klient.namespace for klient in [astra_db_client, async_astra_db_client] if klient is not None } ) if len(_tokens) != 1: raise ValueError( "Conflicting tokens found in the sync and async AstraDB " "constructor parameters. Please check the tokens and " "ensure they match." ) if len(_api_endpoints) != 1: raise ValueError( "Conflicting API endpoints found in the sync and async " "AstraDB constructor parameters. Please check the tokens " "and ensure they match." ) if len(_namespaces) != 1: raise ValueError( "Conflicting namespaces found in the sync and async " "AstraDB constructor parameters. Please check the tokens " "and ensure they match." ) # all good: these are 1-element lists here self.token = _tokens[0] self.api_endpoint = _api_endpoints[0] self.namespace = _namespaces[0] else: _token: Optional[Union[str, TokenProvider]] # secrets-based initialization if token is None: "Attempting to fetch token from environment " f"variable '{TOKEN_ENV_VAR}'" ) _token = os.environ.get(TOKEN_ENV_VAR) else: _token = token if api_endpoint is None: "Attempting to fetch API endpoint from environment " f"variable '{API_ENDPOINT_ENV_VAR}'" ) _api_endpoint = os.environ.get(API_ENDPOINT_ENV_VAR) else: _api_endpoint = api_endpoint if namespace is None: _namespace = os.environ.get(NAMESPACE_ENV_VAR) else: _namespace = namespace self.token = _token self.api_endpoint = _api_endpoint self.namespace = _namespace self.environment = environment # init parameters are normalized to self.{token, api_endpoint, namespace}. # Proceed. Namespace and token can be None (resp. on Astra DB and non-Astra) if self.api_endpoint is None: raise ValueError( "API endpoint for Data API not provided. " "Either pass it explicitly to the object constructor " f"or set the {API_ENDPOINT_ENV_VAR} environment variable." ) # create the clients caller_name = "langchain" caller_version = getattr(langchain_core, "__version__", None) self.data_api_client = DataAPIClient( environment=self.environment, caller_name=caller_name, caller_version=caller_version, ) self.database = self.data_api_client.get_database( api_endpoint=self.api_endpoint, token=self.token, namespace=self.namespace, ) self.async_database = self.database.to_async() class _AstraDBCollectionEnvironment(_AstraDBEnvironment): def __init__( self, collection_name: str, token: Optional[Union[str, TokenProvider]] = None, api_endpoint: Optional[str] = None, environment: Optional[str] = None, astra_db_client: Optional[AstraDB] = None, async_astra_db_client: Optional[AsyncAstraDB] = None, namespace: Optional[str] = None, setup_mode: SetupMode = SetupMode.SYNC, pre_delete_collection: bool = False, embedding_dimension: Union[int, Awaitable[int], None] = None, metric: Optional[str] = None, requested_indexing_policy: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, default_indexing_policy: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, collection_vector_service_options: Optional[ CollectionVectorServiceOptions ] = None, collection_embedding_api_key: Optional[ Union[str, EmbeddingHeadersProvider] ] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__( token=token, api_endpoint=api_endpoint, environment=environment, astra_db_client=astra_db_client, async_astra_db_client=async_astra_db_client, namespace=namespace, ) self.collection_name = collection_name self.collection = self.database.get_collection( name=self.collection_name, embedding_api_key=collection_embedding_api_key, ) self.async_collection = self.collection.to_async() self.async_setup_db_task: Optional[Task] = None if setup_mode == SetupMode.ASYNC: async_database = self.async_database async def _setup_db() -> None: if pre_delete_collection: await async_database.drop_collection(collection_name) if inspect.isawaitable(embedding_dimension): dimension = await embedding_dimension else: dimension = embedding_dimension try: await async_database.create_collection( name=collection_name, dimension=dimension, metric=metric, indexing=requested_indexing_policy, # Used for enabling $vectorize on the collection service=collection_vector_service_options, check_exists=False, ) except DataAPIException: # possibly the collection is preexisting and may have legacy, # or custom, indexing settings: verify collection_descriptors = [ coll_desc async for coll_desc in async_database.list_collections() ] if not self._validate_indexing_policy( collection_descriptors=collection_descriptors, collection_name=self.collection_name, requested_indexing_policy=requested_indexing_policy, default_indexing_policy=default_indexing_policy, ): # other reasons for the exception raise self.async_setup_db_task = asyncio.create_task(_setup_db()) elif setup_mode == SetupMode.SYNC: if pre_delete_collection: self.database.drop_collection(collection_name) if inspect.isawaitable(embedding_dimension): raise ValueError( "Cannot use an awaitable embedding_dimension with async_setup " "set to False" ) else: try: self.database.create_collection( name=collection_name, dimension=embedding_dimension, # type: ignore[arg-type] metric=metric, indexing=requested_indexing_policy, # Used for enabling $vectorize on the collection service=collection_vector_service_options, check_exists=False, ) except DataAPIException: # possibly the collection is preexisting and may have legacy, # or custom, indexing settings: verify collection_descriptors = list(self.database.list_collections()) if not self._validate_indexing_policy( collection_descriptors=collection_descriptors, collection_name=self.collection_name, requested_indexing_policy=requested_indexing_policy, default_indexing_policy=default_indexing_policy, ): # other reasons for the exception raise @staticmethod def _validate_indexing_policy( collection_descriptors: List[CollectionDescriptor], collection_name: str, requested_indexing_policy: Optional[Dict[str, Any]], default_indexing_policy: Optional[Dict[str, Any]], ) -> bool: """ This is a validation helper, to be called when the collection-creation call has failed. Args: detected_collection (List[CollectionDescriptor]): the list of collection items returned by astrapy collection_name (str): the name of the collection whose attempted creation failed requested_indexing_policy: the 'indexing' part of the collection options, e.g. `{"deny": ["field1", "field2"]}`. Leave to its default of None if no options required. default_indexing_policy: an optional 'default value' for the above, used to issue just a gentle warning in the special case that no policy is detected on a preexisting collection on DB and the default is requested. This is to enable a warning-only transition to new code using indexing without disrupting usage of a legacy collection, i.e. one created before adopting the usage of indexing policies altogether. You cannot pass this one without requested_indexing_policy. This function may raise an error (indexing mismatches), issue a warning (about legacy collections), or do nothing. In any case, when the function returns, it returns either - True: the exception was handled here as part of the indexing management - False: the exception is unrelated to indexing and the caller has to reraise it. """ if requested_indexing_policy is None and default_indexing_policy is not None: raise ValueError( "Cannot specify a default indexing policy " "when no indexing policy is requested for this collection " "(requested_indexing_policy is None, " "default_indexing_policy is not None)." ) preexisting = [ collection for collection in collection_descriptors if == collection_name ] if preexisting: pre_collection = preexisting[0] # if it has no "indexing", it is a legacy collection pre_col_options = pre_collection.options if not pre_col_options.indexing: # legacy collection on DB if requested_indexing_policy == default_indexing_policy: warnings.warn( ( f"Astra DB collection '{collection_name}' is " "detected as having indexing turned on for all " "fields (either created manually or by older " "versions of this plugin). This implies stricter " "limitations on the amount of text each string in a " "document can store. Consider indexing anew on a " "fresh collection to be able to store longer texts. " "See" "datastax/blob/main/libs/astradb/" "warnings-about-indexing for more details." ), UserWarning, stacklevel=2, ) else: raise ValueError( f"Astra DB collection '{collection_name}' is " "detected as having indexing turned on for all " "fields (either created manually or by older " "versions of this plugin). This is incompatible with " "the requested indexing policy for this object. " "Consider indexing anew on a fresh " "collection with the requested indexing " "policy, or alternatively leave the indexing " "settings for this object to their defaults " "to keep using this collection." ) elif pre_col_options.indexing != requested_indexing_policy: # collection on DB has indexing settings, but different options_json = json.dumps(pre_col_options.indexing) if pre_col_options.indexing == default_indexing_policy: default_desc = " (default setting)" else: default_desc = "" raise ValueError( f"Astra DB collection '{collection_name}' is " "detected as having the following indexing policy: " f"{options_json}{default_desc}. This is incompatible " "with the requested indexing policy for this object. " "Consider indexing anew on a fresh " "collection with the requested indexing " "policy, or alternatively align the requested " "indexing settings to the collection to keep using it." ) else: # the discrepancies have to do with options other than indexing return False # the original exception, related to indexing, was handled here return True else: # foreign-origin for the original exception return False def ensure_db_setup(self) -> None: if self.async_setup_db_task: try: self.async_setup_db_task.result() except InvalidStateError: raise ValueError( "Asynchronous setup of the DB not finished. " "NB: Astra DB components sync methods shouldn't be called from the " "event loop. Consider using their async equivalents." ) async def aensure_db_setup(self) -> None: if self.async_setup_db_task: await self.async_setup_db_task